1. Verb, verb phrase और phrasal verb की बनावट पर विचार करें
(a)Verb: Verb एक word का बना होता है __
जैसे - go come lough read event gone goes going, am, is, are, shall will etc.
C. Verb phrase. Varb phrase दो या तीन word से बना होता है two word वाला phrase verb, verb+ adverbial particle या verb and preposition के combination बना होता है तीन वार्ड वाला phrasal, verb, verb + adverbial particle + preposition combination से बना होता है __
Verb + adverbial particle combination
get, out work, out run, out sit, down turn, down right, down switched, down, of sea, of come, in seat, in get, out find, out, go, on, keep, on, give, away it's
Verb + preposition combination
eat into believe in, belong to consist of live on count On send for stand for take after its.
Verb + adverbial particle +preposition combination :
put up with, carry, on with go, on with run, out of, come up, against look, forward, to its.
इस प्रकार हम संक्षेप में phrasal verb को verb verb-adverb-preposition com- bination कह सकते हैं।